Welcome to the Foreign Rights Department
We offer extensive range of titles from the most prominent and emerging Russian authors
Our News
Bestsellers (11)
Literary Fiction (30)
Sci-Fi, Fantasy (9)
Non-Fiction (9)
Fantasy (3)
Women Fiction (10)
Crime Fiction (11)
Young Adult (25)
Medicine and Health (22)
Beauty (4)
Psychology and Self-Care (32)
Business and Negotiations (13)
Hobbies (31)
Esoterics (4)
Popular Science (24)
Documentary and Memoir (18)
About us
Eksmo, one of the largest publishing houses in Europe, was founded in 1991 as book distributing company. In middle 1990-s Eksmo started to gain its leading position as a publisher on the Russian book market to become No. 1 in Russia. Eksmo is now operating in all segments of the book market and all genres of literature.
Eksmo today is:
- 25% of the Russian book market;
- the largest portfolio of authors in Russia – 8000 names;
- the biggest total print-run - 80,000,000 copies per year.
Whatever subject or genre chooses the reader, we have a lot to offer.
Our values:
Unique design.
Foreign Rights Sales: